Sarah Jack is SSES Centre Director and Professor at Stockholm School of Economics and the first holder of Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg Chair in Sustainable...
Anna Wettermark
Anna Wettermark is Assistant Professor in Management at Stockholm Business School, SBS. She teaches courses in organization theory for bachelor level students, and courses in critical perspectives of social entrepreneurship for master level students. Anna...
Karin Berglund
Karin Berglund is Professor of Business Administration with specialization in Entrepreneurship at Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University, Sweden and visiting professor at Nord University in...
Jessica Lindberg
Jessica Lindberg is SSES Centre Director and Course Director at Stockholm University School of Business. Her research focuses on the entrepreneurial process that follows after starting a business, specifically, the interest on entrepreneurs crossing national...
Terrence Brown
Centre Director & Course Director, KTH
Lauri Järvilehto
PhD,Professor of Practice at Aalto University, Co-Director of Aalto Ventures Program
Peter Kelly
Connector @ Aalto University, Visiting Professor of Business, Trinity College Dublin, Academico Visitante Internacional, MADA School of Design
Simo Lahdenne
Teacher at Aalto Ventures program
Elina Kähkönen
Head of integrated entrepreneurship teaching at Aalto Venture Program, head of Aaltonaut minor program
Johannes Kaira
Teacher at Aalto Venture Program
Heidi Mikkonen
Teacher at Aalto Venture Program
Kalle Airo
Founder and co-director of Aalto Ventures Program
Håkan Mitts
Lic. Tech. at Aalto University
Lidia Borisova
Head of Education at Aalto Ventures Program
Fernanda Torre
Course Director, SSES
Samer Yammine
Course Director, SSES
Hanna Jansson
Course Director, SSES, Head of unit for Bioentrepreneurship, KI
Birgitta Schwartz
Birgitta Schwartz has been involved with SSES since the spring of 2014. Throughout the years she has served as the Course Director for Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries and also taught the course Social Entrepreneurship. Before...