Ebba Laurin

Ebba Laurin
Course Director, SSES

Ebba accidentally swam with a tiger shark at the age of 20, learning to skydive well over the age of 30, earned a PhD after 40 and is an engaged course director/teacher of SSES as well as the mother of two young great kids.

Ebba is driven by collaboration, learning and performing in ambiguous dynamic processes and highly uncertain and challenging contexts- conditions of VUCA- volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Conditions that mark both entrepreneurship and education and she has recent experience of being a student. Ebba holds a PhD from Stockholm School of Economics which she earned in 2017. Ebba’s doctoral research is on key account management, business model innovation, co-creation in B2B. Her signature mark is co-creation as means for engaging and developing people, ventures, processes. This manifests in her courses by the co-creation of value for the students and with the students together with startups, academics, industrial experts, investors and angels.

She is the “unexpected doctor”. Why unexpected? Because she did it later in life? Yes perhaps, but mostly because she was a lousy student growing up in Lund, Sweden. Lund which is famous for its academic environment. Appealed by studies in film and theatre Ebba studied at Glasgow University and took a management course by chance. At Glasgow Business School she met professors who were ardently devoted to the learning process of their students and a very demanding system both of which motivated her. She believes in “second chances” to all and contributed to collective learning in her cohort. Ebba graduated with honors in 1997 from Glasgow Business School with a Master of Arts in Management and Organization.

As a teacher Ebba is often appreciated for her knowledge and commitment to the learning of her students, as well as their well being. Ebba balances practice with literature, structure with creativity and mixes teaching with guests with the purpose to engage students and co-create a dialogue. Her “flipped classroom” style is combining teacher’s support with the need to read, reflect and iterate knowledge with an open mind.

Ebba was born in South Korea in 1972 and adopted to Lund at the age of 6 months. This was the start of a long career of thinking and doing “outside the box” in business and research. Ebba has been coaching individuals, in startups and executives in large global organization for 20 years. As a senior strategy consultant the focus is on change and transformation with understanding the conditions of VUCA, devising a strategy and a business model, leadership and building cross-functional self-organized teams. Ebba’s great appreciation for the entrepreneurial journey – both commercial and social goes back to the early days of Internet when working in startups during the 1990s. Ebba worked with innovation, business model transformation and customer co-creation in global executive roles in R&D at Ericsson during the 2000s.

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